Over at KellysKorner
http://www.kellyskornerblog.com a kids birthday party carnival is happening and you can see what others have done for parties. Start here and when your done reading go to the link and party on!

This was our grandson's 1st birthday and our daughter. He was into making a mess!

3rd year cake, simple but great for a 3 year old who just loves cars!

Here is Blake with his 4th birthday cake and his mommy, (our daughter)

A close up and he was big time into Disney's Car theme that year. He was also extremely tired and fell asleep during his party, kinda funny.

This year's cake and party was one week ago tomorrow. His actually birthday was Monday.

This lil guy is so 100% boy, his uncle bought him a little 4 wheeler a few months ago, (he had had a Power Wheel 4 wheeler since before he was 2) his dad has one too and Blake knows how to load it up when daddy goes off with the "big boys". Now Blake's big plan is tag along. Man does he get upset when he can't go, so to make it up to him his dad takes him the next day.

Blake, his dad, (our son-in-law) and a supper cute messy grin:-) "It's my party and I'll act silly if I want to."

This was his second real party with friends and games. They painted a picture frame for their photo shoot. They also played with water balloons (The first one was when he was 3 and it was a build a bear type party at his preschool for his classmates. He still has his duck he made.)

Jennifer has a friend who can draw, so she offered to draw a 4 wheeler, Blakes favorite color is orange and all the kids stood on a cooler behind the board and put on his helmet for a photo shoot! It was a great party.

For all you that have girls, this is what she did for her daughters first birthday party. I can't wait till October to see what idea she comes up with.
If you have any questions on how she did the cakes leave me a comment or even if you just liked them, I love me some comments.
Can't say I am the best but I sure enjoy doing the cakes for the kids. Blake just told me that I have to make Jayde a firetruck cake for her 2nd birthday since that is what he had when he turned 2. Not too sure if that will pan out or not. Guess you will have to wait and see. October will be here before we know it.
Love the cakes
Happy belated birthday to Jake
My older boys will be 5 too....this monday
oops, and i loved the photo shoot idea and painting the frames.
i am still trying to figure out what kind of game we will do for the big boys
Thanks Brandi, I will pass the msg. onto Blake, I just got an isea...when refering to both Blake, and Jayde, I can call them "JAKE" ha!
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