Today's tip comes from my sister: She wants everyone to know since it is summer time, and we're using our watering cans and running our dehumidifier, to help prevent AND clean out the sludge that can and sometimes does accumulate in there, she puts some large pebbles in a nylon net; you can use a panty hose, kids tights, nylon sock or even those body scrubbers for the netting and tie it shut, stick this in your watering can or your dehumidifier jug and jiggle it around, just keep in in there, no need to remove it. It really works, I've done it with my dehumidifier and she is doing it with her watering can. Happy Tuesday Everyone.
P.S. If you have a tip you'd like to share please post it under comments or if you know how to get a hold of me I'll take it from there.
not a comment about this posting, but wanted you to see it anyway--- have you used the Purex (washer/dryer)sheets? Do you know anyone who has? I want to try them sometime and am curious about the results anyone has had---Sharyn
Jennifer said she has heard they're not all that good, but she got a package for 1.99 like I did at Kmart with their super double coupons and the 2.00 coupon tht was in the paper a couple weeks ago. She thought IF they are not all that good, they're good enough to wash Jims work clothes and towels in. I'm thinking they're portable for when we go on our vacations and the condo has a washer/dryer available.
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