This is from a r

This is about our life, the grandkids, things that we do, what I'm thinking, my bargain shopping, maybe something I find enjoyable, interesting or kinda on the abnormal side and highlights of our trips. Please leave me a comment to let me know you were here. If you're unsure how, send me an email, I'd love to guide you in the right direction. It's really not that hard. Besides you can always sign in as "anonymous".
Hi Lori! It was nice to finally meet you on Saturday! Thanks for the shout out!
Your welcome. I went home and told my husband to guess who I MET. He guessed YOU, (first guess). My sister guessed Sarah Palin. I said no, guess one more time somebody I actually talked to. I don't recall who she guessed but it was not you. I feel like I met a celebrity.
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