A couple days before Christmas I helped with taking off the name/gift tags which originally hung on the tree that our congregation chose from to purchase gifts for this family, (you chose the gift tag, shop/purchase the gift, wrap it and tape the tag to the gift(s)then return it to church.
Gifts consisted of items the kids wanted/needed such as toys, shoes and clothes. Then there were items the family needed such as lamps, cooking pots, toaster, microwave cart and the list goes on and on. We cut those tags off and just put the childs' name or "FAMILY" on the new tag. I totally enjoyed helping in this big give.
His place is the hang out for any child that wants to come over after school and with 6 kids you have plenty of friends. His rules are quite simple: 1) homework FIRST, all must do their homework. 2) ALL are welcome to stay for dinner, BUT you must first participate in the Bible lesson. No bible studies then no meal and that sounds very reasonable to me. This goes on every day. He knows where his kids are because his house is the "in house".
Our church has also done some home repairs for them. Mark, your a very reMARKable guy! Merry Christmas.
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