When I asked the manager for the Loreal product they had for $11.99 and giving you $11.99 Extra Care Bucks back, he regrettable informed me they were totally OUT. This is the best part... so the manager said he would give me something else for free, and HE chose something valued at 16.99. I asked if I could take this instead, (same price, $16.99) and he happily said yes, get what you want. He rang me up and took off the $16.99 as a "coupon". So with my ECB I got BACK and the overage on some items and the other coupons, I made out better than a bandit.
You can do this too, Andrea at Mommy Snacks.net and Sherry atSaving Sherry will gladly tell you EXACTLY how to do this. More stuff for the pantry at church. The candy will be added to some Christmas gifts, If it wasn't for the $4.00 candy it ALL would have been free.
My husband came home from work and asked me what I bought that I didn't need today. I told him it only cost me a buck for all this. He was amazed. I don't think he was too concerned about the buck being gone anymore. LOL
P.S. I didn't even have to ask the manager for a substitute, he offered. I accepted.
You got so lucky to have a manager offer a substitution! That is a really great buy! Good job - it's only the beginning of the savings you will be getting each week!!!
I love finding great deals, and combining coupons and sales to walk away with products for next to nothing. I played this game last year and got SO MANY hair, body, and makeup products that I've kinda gone on hold....I think I could outfit a cheerleading squad on my products in my closet.
WOW! That's awesome! You are doing such a great job! I wish my manager would offer substitutions like that!
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